Help Bowie & Me Keep Our Home <3
Bowie & me
Success! This Request for Help was been granted by the Seeds community on February 13th, 2020. To give to another Request, and receive SEEDS in thanks, please click here.
Hey all, it’s Rachel with my rescue pup, Bowie.
Since Seeds lost our 2 biggest app partners last September, funds have been tight. On average, it takes 6 months or more to find a new app partner, and so I thought it was best to focus on selling Seeds tokens and encouraging our community to add liquidity to Uniswap to bring in the cash flow that would allow us to recover. I also gave up my salary to try and buy us time.
Lovely people have already contributed such that we’re okay for February, and my team has made progress in selling the tokens, but I think it’s going to take us about 3 months to get Seeds back to profitability and we don’t have the funds to cover basic expenses beyond the next couple weeks.
I reached out to startup investors and banks to try and bridge this gap, but all said that they couldn’t or wouldn’t help.
If I don’t come up with the rent by Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 I’ll be evicted from my studio apartment, and I don’t know where Bowie and I would go.
I will continue pushing Seeds forward no matter what. Since I launched Seeds, I’ve been held in a Kenyan jail cell, and had to make a scene in a public place to stop the Kenyan cops from extorting funds from my friend Peter and I (it worked), and I’ve gone broke probably 30 times. At one point it was so bad that I was stealing food from a grocery store. But through it all, I have never lost faith in the mission behind this work, and in its inevitable success.
I believe I’ve gone through this so that I deeply and experientially understand what many of our community members have also had to feel - what it is to need money and not know where to turn. I want Seeds to eliminate this problem for people, and I will keep going until it is wildly economically abundant, and helping millions…and then some!
I think this is the final hurdle for me in terms of learning this lesson about scarcity - I can feel it in my bones. I will not have to worry about money ever again once I get through this.
If you’re able to contribute to my Request for Help, I will be eternally grateful, and I promise that I will repay you by doing everything within my power to grow Seeds such that we eliminate money scarcity for you and for me. For all of us.
All support is deeply appreciated. Thank you!
If you’d prefer to give in ETH, please complete the form below. For every .005 ETH contributed, we will send you 10 Seeds tokens in thanks.